Level Design, Game Design, Programming
Platform: PC & Mobile, Nintendo Switch
Engine & Tools: Unity, C#, VS Community, Trello, Git, FMOD
Duration: 2 months
Team size: 13

My work involved:
- Designing the Golem feature and its potential impacts with the Level Design
- Golem AI & directional arrow
- Platforms interaction & Zipline
- A custom physics-based collision system
- Part of the first level's design
- Game Feel techniques (jump buffer, coyote time...)
- Particle systems
- Server communication system (for the leaderboard)
- Using the Nintendo Switch's accelerometer & gyroscope for waking up the Golem and using the Zipline, respectively
- Vibrations integration
In-Game Images
More about the game

This platformer was made by a group of 13 people, including me.
8 of them were artists, 2 were sound designers, and we were 3 game designers/programmers. This diversity made me heavily develop my communication skills.
In November 2022, a part of my group and me returned to the project for porting it to the Nintendo Switch. We took this opportunity to add a few things:
- Vibrations on a lot of different events,
- Polish of the level design,
- Use of the Switch hardware for adding a console-shaking feature in order to wake the Golem up, and to make the zipline gyroscopic.

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